Understanding the Sounds and Actions of Cats

Anyone who lives with cats knows how confusing their behavior can be. Sometimes they are affectionate, and sometimes they wish to be left alone. They make all sorts of different mewing and purring sounds that can mean different things. Many people wish to know more about why their cat is acting the way it does. Luckily, some cat and Kitten Behaviour is easily understood if you know what to look for. Once you understand why your cat is acting the way it does, you will be able to enjoy a better relationship with each other.

What Do The Sounds That My Cat Makes Mean?

Your cat likely makes a huge variety of different noises during the day. Each sound can mean a different thing and indicate different moods or healthy cat food needs that you cat may be experiencing. Some sounds that cats make include:

Mewing or meowing. This can mean that can mean that your cat is upset in some way. Some kitten behaviour is slightly different than that of adult cats. Kittens often make high-pitched mews when they need help or want you to pay attention to them. Adult cats will often make loud, repeated meows to get your attention. They may need as something as simple as affection, but they may also be asking for food, water or help getting a toy out from under a couch.

Chirping or barking. These types of sounds can mean your cat is saying hello to you, especially if it is also purring or rubbing against you. It can also mean that they see a bird, toy or something else that is exciting or interesting to them.

Purring. Purring normally means that your cat is very happy and content. It can also mean that they are in pain or very upset, but this is not common. It is thought that some cats purr when they are upset in an effort to make themselves feel better.

Why Does My Cat Rub Against Me and Head-butt Me?

When your cat is rubbing against you, especially with its face, it is trying to mark you as its own. Cats have scent glands on the sides of their cheeks, and they will rub them on anything that they want to claim ownership over. Your cat may rub against you even more than normal after you return home from being out. This is because you have encountered new smells and may have lost some of your cat’s smell, and your cat wants to reassert its ownership of you.

Understanding cat behaviour can be confusing. By taking the time to learn why your cat acts the way it does, you will be better able to understand what it is trying to communicate to you. This will help you both enjoy a better relationship with one another and make any cat or kitten training much easier.